Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Reluctant Relief Society Sister!

When you join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints you immediately become part of a world-wide church family.  We even call each other “brother” and “sister”, hence the many references to “Sister Jones” or “Sister Smith” that you will see in the future.  In addition to learning about doctrine and saving ordinances, we are counseled to love one another and bear one another’s burdens.  The church’s organization for women is called “Relief Society”.
The following is from the church’s website:

“The organization’s motto “Charity Never Faileth” stems from the first Relief Society meeting. The sisters were asked by the Prophet Joseph Smith to assist the brethren “in looking to the wants of the poor—searching after objects of charity, and in administering to their wants.” The sisters took this call to heart and became a society devoted to seeking out the poor and needy. (See Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 452.)

All women 18 years of age and older, as well as women younger than 18 who are married or are single mothers, are welcomed into the sisterhood of Relief Society. There are approximately 6 million sisters in Relief Society. Since its organization on March 17, 1842, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Relief Society has spread throughout the world into nearly 170 countries.”

I have always been pretty diligent about attending the Relief Society meetings that are held on Sunday, but I must admit that I have not always been so diligent about attending the weekday activities and meetings.  There were many reasons for this:  family commitments and just not making the meetings a priority come to mind.  And then there’s the fact that I am somewhat of a hermit.  It’s not that I dislike people; it’s more due to me being a super-duper-introvert.  I have never been a person who NEEDED to be with other people, so I left all of that for the sisters who had that need.
I was recently called as the second counselor in our ward’s (congregation’s) Relief Society and that has changed everything.  Now the weekday activities and events are no longer something that I avoid, they are something for which I am responsible to plan and execute.  This is daunting for anyone, especially for someone who is a hermit.
For inspiration for the coming year, I looked to one of my favorite scriptures:
Luke 2:52:  “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”
This is a favorite of mine because before we discussed this in a Sunday school class many years ago, whenever had I thought of Christ I had always pictured him in the manger, or healing the sick, or in the Garden of Gethsemane, or in his resurrected state – all purely spiritual aspects.  I had never thought of him growing mentally, physically, and socially as well.  This scripture also tells me that I need to be constantly growing and improving so that I can be more like Christ.  My plans for next year’s activities focus on providing opportunities for the sisters to grow in all areas of their lives.
Just a few weeks ago, I attended my first Thursday night meeting in quite some time, and I must say I was struck by what a good time all of the sisters were having.  You can’t believe how much giggling, and talking, and carrying on there was!  They were decorating craft-type pumpkins with sequins and there were just sequins like crazy.  Add in the fact that there was a bevy of homemade treats and this all added up to an evening of complete, total, WOMANLY DECADENCE!
The women who will be helping me put these meetings together are really sharp.  And the women who will be attending these meetings are really sharp.  I will be posting a chronicle of the things that we do and learn (with pictures) to share with all who are interested.  There is so much to do!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this wonderful blog! I plan to try the recipe for homemade granola bars. Keep up the good work! An appreciative reader in Killeen.
